Operation "Spread the Wuuuuuv."

Today, I decided to do something constructive. There is a certain reckless insanity that comes over a person after a very painful experience, so I decided to make the most of it and do something perhaps a little crazy. I made lots of Valentine's Day cards and gave them out to all the saddest looking people on Rideau street and in the mall downtown. It was fun! There was an old, depressed-looking hunchback (how much more pathetic does it get than that?) who shuffled by me, and I hid one in his bag when he wasn't looking. I gave another to a very fat lady who looked at me suspiciously, then realizing what it was, burst out laughing and yelled out her thanks. There was a skinny girl who looked like a bean-pole (correction: she looked more like an upright knitting needle—even a tape-worm would have abandoned her), who was crying her eyes out, and I gave her one too. I can't remember all of them, but I gave a couple out in a coffee shop, a number to people sitting alone in the mall, one to a mom with two kids, and one to a bum on the street. Some people were suspicious, especially the jaded-looking middle-aged women. One couple liked it a lot, so I gave them an extra to give to someone else.....They said they had the perfect miserable person in mind :)

Weird? Perhaps, but still a lot of fun and much better than being sad today.


Flying Squirrel said…
This is so totally rad! Oh my gosh, I wish I had known you were doing this before Valentine's Day, I would have posted it all over my blog (and Facebook). YOu are such a brilliant, amazing, big-hearted person! You are so inspiring!

(This should totally be a yearly tradition. "Operation Spread Love!". I'm going to do this with the boys next year. You should make an announcement on facebook! Other people would love to do it, too!)
Lizzie said…
Mary, it was pretty awesome! See my latest post about my thoughts on it. I think it would be even more fun with kids! I'm going to do it each year too.
Unknown said…
This is such a lovely concept. Cheryl Richardson talked about doing just that sort of thing on her radio show last month so I have shared your blog post on her facebook site as it is so lovely to see how the simply things in life can bring joy and love to others. Maybe I could have a go at Operation Spread Love too, here in New Zealand!
Unknown said…
That is beautiful! Love it!!!!
Lizzie said…
Thanks for sharing it! You should definitely try it - it was really interesting and fun to do! Not everyone was receptive, but it was sure worth it.
Scabs said…
i really love this. it reminds me that our love should radiate to all. no only our closest loved ones, but random strangers and even those seeking our forgiveness. beautiful, thank you.
Scabs said…
and love ourselves!
Julie Bananas said…
That's amazing! I love knowing that there are caring people lik eyourself out in this world. That is an absolutely phenominal thing to do :)
xxx said…
What a beautiful idea - I really hope I remember it in 11 months time so I can spread some love next Valentines!! x
Les said…
Hello! Flying Squirrel was a Blogger Blog of Note the other day and I was looking at her post which had a link to come here. She described your blog as a descriptive writing blog which sounded so cool...I'm glad I checked it out!!
Anonymous said…
I'm totally doing this next year! I might even get my whole church to do it too!

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