Ester and the 100 km Mark

This morning it rained and rained and rained. But, this afternoon has been gloriously sunny. I met Ester in a bar, and we had a grand time. She is so much fun—accompanying all her conversation with really funny sound effects. "Chuca, chuca, chuca, chuca," or "Brip, brip, brip, brip..." She always sleeps in the bunk below me when we are in the same albergue. I only walked around 15 km's today, but I was tired and needed to rest (plus Sunday mass!). I walked with the big Brazilian fellow (same as in the snowstorm) and he kept calling me in Portuguese "The bird that sings." (Note: he had a nick-name for everyone on the trail). We took the bike route because of all the mud even though it was a bit longer. We walked with another Spanish guy as well and taught him English. Great fun even in the rain.

Santiago is just over 100 km's away!!!


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