
Showing posts from December, 2022

Swiftsure Race

The best part of any race or voyage is when the crew start gathering at the boat. There is a feeling of excitement in the air as each person arrives by car, plane or on foot, stows their bag, and greets their new crew-mates. The crew of the race-boat Korina Korina was a mix of Canadians and Americans, recruited by Captain Jon Kudson over the past couple of months. We were doing the long-distance route of the Swiftsure International Yacht Race, starting in Victoria, sailing through the Juan de Fuca Strait south of Vancouver Island, going round a marker at the edge of the Pacific Ocean, and returning back to Victoria for a total of 256 kilometres.   Brave crew-mate leaps on the boom to fix some rigging The start of Swiftsure is really fun, as over 100 sailboats whiz around in a small space, trying not to bump into each other as they wait for the cannon that marks the start. There is a lot of yelling! We had a bit of a slow start, but we knew that the wind was going to pick up towards...